FY 22 University System Budget Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2022


Your Name (Point of Contact):

Anne Comeau-Phillips

Email (Point of Contact):


Official Board Name:

University Budget Committee

New Official Board Name (if applicable):

University System Budget Committee

Authorizing body or official:


Type of Board:


Scope of Impact:


Board Purpose:

The University System Budget Committee is advisory to the Chancellor. The committee shall participate in regular meetings on budget matters, in annual budget hearings and will recommend general funding priorities for the consideration of the Chancellor/President. The committee also may make recommendations pertaining to the budget process. The committee will annually receive a briefing on the budget from the Chief Budget Officer. Faculty, staff, and student representatives will provide reports on committee actions to their respective organizations.

Board Authority:

Provide budget related recommendations to the Chancellor

Current Chair / Term Ends:

Kimberly G. Rumford, No term date

Describe the process for selecting the chair :

The chair is by position appointment

Incoming Chair / Term Begins (if applicable) :


How are the chair and members appointed?:


Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)?:


What university function/office is responsible for future appointments?:

The majority of the members are position appointment, the remaining is chosen by committee

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee?:

Finance and Business Services

How often will this board or committee meet?:

Once a month, except May, June

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held?:


In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made? (if applicable):

Reviewed and approved for recommendation the following:

Research and Public Service Projects
Tuition and Fees
Staff Compensation