FY 22 University Administrative Council Report

Fiscal Year 2022

Your Name (Point of Contact):

Spri Aubrey

Email (Point of Contact):


Official Board Name:

University Administrative Council

Authorizing body or official:


Type of Board:


Scope of Impact:


Board Purpose:

From RPM 2.40: The Board of Regents recognizes the University Administrative Council as an
advisory body, to be utilized at the Chancellor's discretion, for discussion and/or recommendations on
matters of university business

Board Authority:

From RPM 2.40: The Board of Regents recognizes the University Administrative Council as an advisory body, to be utilized at the Chancellor's discretion, for discussion and/or recommendations on matters of university business.

Current Chair / Term Ends:

Chancellor Dan Arvizu

Describe the process for selecting the chair :

Selected by position

Incoming Chair / Term Begins (if applicable) :

How are the chair and members appointed?:

By position

Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)?:


What university function/office is responsible for future appointments?:

Office of the Chancellor

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee?:

Office of the Chancellor

How often will this board or committee meet?:


Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held?:


In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made? (if applicable):

ARP 5.40 Access to Student Educational Records FERPA Compliance - Re-define directory information to match phonebook for students.

ARP 4.81 Majors, Minors, and other Academic Programs of Student - amending appendices A, B, and C.

ARP 4.61 Transfer Credit - credit for prior learning with standards. Added hours with Carnegie credit hour definition.