FY 22 Loss Prevention and Loss Control Board (Committee) Report

Fiscal Year 2022 

Your Name (Point of Contact):

Polly Wagner

Email (Point of Contact):


Authorizing body or official:

Vice Chancellor

Type of Board:


Scope of Impact:


Board Purpose:

1) Prevent and control losses in the university enterprise.
2) Integrate loss prevention and loss control activities into operations and culture;
3) Establish systematic safety and loss prevention and control mechanisms within the university;
4) Develop uniform loss control reporting and risk assessment procedures for the system; and
5) Assure compliance with 1.6.4 NMAC s rule and avoid adjustments in risk premium rates
associated with non-compliance.

Board Authority:

1) Define the University loss prevention and control plan 2) Assess the implementation of the loss prevention and control plan 3) Evaluate loss information to ensure measures are being taken to prevent reoccurrence of similar losses; 4) Where loss prevention measures are not adequate, the Loss Prevention and Loss Control board shall make recommendations to Chancellor or designee, or initiate additional action, as appropriate; 5) Loss Prevention and Loss Control board will provide oversight to other university committees with loss control functions; 6) Act to consolidate risk information and evaluate the effectiveness of controls to determine what is needed to mitigate risk to the university; 7) Report the status of annual loss prevention and control program 8) Perform any other functions the board considers useful and appropriate.

Current Chair / Term Ends:

1. Polly Wagner - Executive Director of EHS&RM, Ongoing Term 2. Johnny Carrillo - NMSU Fire Chief, ongoing term

Describe the process for selecting the chair :

The Vice Chancellor appointed LPLC Co-coordinators are designated LPLC Committee co-chairs per , 12/11/2018.

Incoming Chair / Term Begins (if applicable) :

No change

How are the chair and members appointed?:


Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)?:


What university function/office is responsible for future appointments?:

EHS & Risk Management

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee?:

EHS & Risk Management

How often will this board or committee meet?:

As needed

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held?:


In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made? (if applicable):

1. Annual risk survey completed on time with better communication and accurate reporting.
2. Upgrade to injury compliance suite is complete.