FY 22 Intellectual Property Advisory Council (IPAC) Report

Fiscal Year 2022 


Point of Contact: Patricia Knighten pnk@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 03/2017

Authorizing Body or Offical: BOR Policy

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


The purpose of the IPAC board is to evaluate and make recommendations concerning New Mexico State University (NMSU) Intellectual Property (IP) protection, to provide direction and guidance on IP disputes and ownership, to advise on changes to NMSU IP policy and budget and the actively promote the IP Office.


The purpose of the IPAC board is to evaluate and make recommendations concerning New Mexico State University (NMSU) Intellectual Property (IP) protection, to provide direction and guidance on IP disputes and ownership, to advise on changes to NMSU IP policy and budget and the actively promote the IP Office.

Chair: Chair: Patricia M. Knighten, Director, Innovation Commercialization, Office of Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer Co-chairs: Kathryn Hansen, Director, Arrowhead Center, Luis Cifuentes, VPR

Incoming Chair / Term Begins: Patricia M. Knighten, Term: January 2021

Process for selecting chair: Role of Office determines Chair. Director, Innovation Commercialization; Office of Intellectual Property and Tech Transfer, Arrowhead Center, NMSU

How are the chair and members appointed? Determined annually

Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)? No

What university function/office is responsible for future appointments? Director, Arrowhead Center, Inc

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee? Arrowhead, NMSU

How often will this board or committee meet? As required, per intellectual property disclosure and protection. 

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held? No

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  

IPAC met three times, virtually, to review invention packages prior to approval to pursue protection of US Utility Patent.