FY 22 General Education Course Certification Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2022 

Your Name (Point of Contact):

David Smith

Email (Point of Contact):


Authorizing body or official:

Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP)

Type of Board:


Scope of Impact:


Board Purpose:

The General Education Course Certification Committee is recognized as a standing. university board within the definition of the Regents Policy Manual (RPM) 2.30. Its primary charge is to review the courses submitted for inclusion in the General Education curriculum in light of the applicable state or university criteria, and to provide its recommendations to the EVP/Provost. The committee also develops or reviews proposed procedural guidelines for theGeneral Education course certification process, for consideration by the EVP/Provost.

Board Authority:

The GECCC serves as an advisory body to the Executive Vice President & Provost.

Current Chair / Term Ends:

David Smith, Associate Provost for Curriculum and Assessment. No term end specified.

Describe the process for selecting the chair :

Appointed by the Provost.

Incoming Chair / Term Begins (if applicable) :

How are the chair and members appointed?:


Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)?:


What university function/office is responsible for future appointments?:

Each College and Community College are responsible for making 3-year term appointments to the GECCC

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee?:

Provost's Office, currently Carly Casey serves in this role.

How often will this board or committee meet?:

The committee typically meets three times per semester, Fall and Spring.

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held?:


In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made? (if applicable):

The committee only met twice during the 2021-22 academic year and considered approval of several courses to the General Education and Viewing a Wider World curricula.