FY 21 Faculty Grievance Review Board Report

Fiscal Year 2021

Point of Contact: Manal Hamzeh and Hiranya Roychowdhury manahamz@nmsu.edu and Hiranya Roydowdhury hfoyshow@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 2010

Office Providing Administrative Support: None

Authorizing Body or Offical: BOR Policy

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


The purpose of the FGRB is to be hearing body that provides
eligible faculty members with a process through which faculty
members may seek redress for grievable issues and may seek
resolution of disagreements/disputes arising in the workplace.


The jurisdiction of the FGRB includes faculty grievances of all
types, EXCEPT for issues subject to an appeal or review
process covered in another policy or rule, and except for some
non-grievable issues such as job direction, non-renewal of
annual employment, the merits of promotion and tenure,
disputed matters that fall within the jurisdiction of another
NMSU entity or hearing body, reassignment or transfer,
changes in status of an academic administration position, or a
resignation that has been sent and received.

Voting Members:

Leonard Lauriault, Professor

Cecilia Hernandez, Professor

Dr. Monica Monoya, Professor

Manal Hamzeh, Professor

Hiranya Roychowdhury, Professor

Judit Flores Carmona, Associate Professor

Stephen Hanson, Associate Professor

Carlos Posadas, Associate Professor

David Jauregui, Department Head, Civil Engineering

Carlo Mora-Monge, Department Head, Business Management

Shanna Ivey, Department Head, ACES

Nancy McMillan, Department Head, Arts & Sciences

Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? Yes

Major Accomplishment:

FGRB heard 3 (SP21) and 6 (SP 20-Fall20) cases that were within the
jurisdiction of the FGRB.
The co-chairs have actively participated in the "Investigation Task Force" for the period of Spring to Fall