FY 18 Faculty Grievance Review Board Report

Fiscal Year 2018

Point of Contact: Manal and Hiranya Hamzeh and Roychowwdhury manahamz@nmsu.edu 

Chair: Manal and Hiranya Hamzeh and Roychowwdhury manahamz@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 2010

Office Providing Administrative Support: None

Authorizing Body or Offical: Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP)

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


The purpose of the FGRB is to be the vehicle that provides eligible faculty members with a processthrough which faculty members may seek redress for grievable issues and may seek resolution ofdisagreements/disputes arising in the workplace.


The jurisdiction of the FGRB includes faculty grievances of all types, EXCEPT for issues subject to an
appeal or review process covered in another policy or rule, and except for some non-grievable issues
such as job direction, non-renewal of annual employment, the merits of promotion and tenure, disputed
matters that fall within the jurisdiction of another NMSU entity or hearing body, reassignment or
transfer, changes in status of an academic administration position, or a resignation that has been sent
and received.

What university function / office is responsible for appointments?

The FRGB shall consist of a total of 9 faculty members (4 tenured/tenure track, 2 college non-tenure
track, and 3 department heads). Elections are held in the Fall semester. Nominations are the result of a
general announcement calling for nominees, including self-nominations. The faculty shall elect the
members from a complete list of nominees. For the department head faculty, a general call through the
NMSU system is done and the Executive Vice President and Provost will forward at least two
nominations for each vacant position to the Faculty Senate Chair who will elect the member.


Position appointment description:

Members are elected by peers. Elected members serve a three year term and shall serve no more than
two consecutive 3-year elected terms. Nominations are made so that no Faculty Senate electing group
shall have more than three members on the FGRB and no department will have more than one.
The Provost forwards at least two department head nominations for each vacant position through the
Faculty Senate which elects the member.

Members appointed by: As individuals

Voting Members:

David Keys, Associate Professor 

Alyne Fulte, Professor

Hiranya Roychowhury, Professor

Michelle Nishiguchi, Professor and Department Head

Gary Rayson, Professor

Manal Hamzeh, Associate Professor

Leonard Lauiault, Professor

Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? Yes

Major Accomplishment:

We have been successful at determining if cases are or are not within the jurisdiction of the FGRB.
Three members attended the State of New Mexico Alternatve Dispute Training on Conflict Resolution.
This was held May 3 and 4, 2018.