FY 19 Faculty Appeals Board Report

Fiscal Year 2019

Point of Contact: Patricia Leyba pleyba@nmsu.edu 

Chair: No Chair

Established Date: 05/2011

Office Providing Administrative Support: 

The Faculty Senate chair and the Assistant Vice President of Human Resource Services provide clerical,
administrative and technical support to the FAB as it requires. They may also provide guidance to all
parties regarding applicable time deadlines and other procedural issues that may arise.

Authorizing Body or Offical: Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP) / Faculty Senate

Type of Board: Ad Hoc

Scope of Impact: System


The Faculty Appeals Board (FAB) is convened as needed to
serve as the administrative hearing body which hears appeals
by faculty who have been disciplined pursuant to the
processes described in Rule 5.47. The FAB hears evidence
presented by the parties and renders factual findings and
recommended conclusions to the EVP/Provost on the issue of
whether the evidence is sufficient to constitute just cause as
required to impose the discipline.


Convenes upon request from the EVP/Provost, upon that
office's receipt of an appeal from an aggrieved faculty
member. Timely conducts convenes the appropriate
membership of the FAB, and conducts the appeal hearing
consistent with the requirements of Rule 5.47 and renders
factual findings and recommended conclusions to the
EVP/Provost, based on the evidence presented and in the
hearing record.

What university function / office is responsible for appointments?

Executive Vice President and Provost AND Faculty Senate Chair

Process for Selecting Chair: 

The Faculty Appeals Board selects one of its members to serve
as chair on a hearing by hearing basis, after notification by the
Faculty Senate chair to the appropriate senators that the
Faculty Appeals Board needs to convene.

Position appointment description:

Within 3 business days of receipt of a faculty member's appeal
from discipline taken pursuant to Rule 10.50, the EVP/Provost
notifies that Faculty Senate chair to convene the Faculty
Appeals Board, whose membership is determined based on
membership in Faculty Senate voting units at the time of the
filing of the notice of appeal. See Rule 10.50 N. 3.

Members appointed by: Combination

Voting Members:

Merranda Marin, Associate Professor

Richard Oliver, Professor

Bill Gear, Associate Professor

John Mullen, Associate Professor

Elizabeth Kuchler, Assistant Professor

John Campbell, College Assistant Professor

Julia Parra, Assistant Professor

Becky Corran, CC Dept Chair

Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? No

Major Accomplishment:

Not convened unless needed or requested