FY 21 Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology (FACT) Report

Fiscal Year 2021

Point of Contact: Christopher Aiken aiken@nmsu.edu 

Chair: Christopher Aiken aiken@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 08/2004

Office Providing Administrative Support: ICT and IIQ

Authorizing Body or Offical: Provost

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: Campus 


The Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology (FACT) is comprised of faculty members
representing the various campuses and colleges at NMSU. The focus of the group is to identify what is
needed for University technology in supporting the faculty. The group also provides input to topics that
are raised and recommends significant technology initiatives. The members of the committee ensure
that the faculty’s input is put into decision making while also ensuring that the goals of the University
are met.


The committee seeks recommendations for
technology needs across the campus. We work with the student council to learn of their needs and
make decisions as to what technologies should be implemented. Some examples include Turn-it-in,
Canvas, and Zoom.

What university function / office is responsible for appointments?

Per the FACT Committee By-Laws, representation of FACT will consist of at least one faculty member from each college (Art & Science, Business, Engineering, Health and Social Services, Agriculture, and the library) including Dona Ana Community College. Faculty members are appointed by the Deans of their colleges. There shall be one member who will be representative of the Faculty Senate, this is either the Faculty Senate Chair or appointed by the Faculty Senate Chair. The Faculty Senate representative cannot be the same member representing a college. Members shall be employed by NMSU and classified as a faculty member, teaching at least one course. Members shall serve for at least three academic years not exceeding four years. Members who have completed their term may provide a recommendation or nomination for a replacement. Nominations can be made by the faculty’s respective college through the dean, department head, or FACT member. Nominations from others not listed can also be submitted to FACT for consideration. Ex Officio members include Chief Information Officer, Associate Vice President, ICT Director/Deputy CIO, Provost or designee, Faculty Senate Chair, IIQ Representative, FACT Coordinator, and Student Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) representative. Ex-Officio members are appointed by their supervisors. Any additional members are voted on by the FACT committee, such as Member-at-Large.

Process for Selecting Chair: 

The standard nomination and voting process is used in the committee.

Position appointment description:

Faculty members who have completed their term may provide a recommendation or nomination for a
replacement. Nominations can be made by the faculty’s respective college through the dean,
department head, or FACT member. Nominations from others not listed can also be submitted to FACT
for consideration. Upon term completion or vacancy, the FACT Chair emails the necessary college Dean
to request a new member

Members appointed by: Position

Voting Members:


Linda Summer (HEST rep)

Stephanie Rogus (ACES rep)

John Carter (DACC rep)

Lauren Cifuentes (member at large)

Christopher Aiken (HEST rep)

Bill Hamilton (Arts and Sciences rep)

Michael Marks (Arts and Sciences rep)

Paul Hamilton (Business rep)

Mark Lawrence (Engineering rep)

Alisa Gonzalez (Library rep)


Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? Yes

Major Accomplishment:

Aided distribution of training for technology needs. Most faculty taught
remote and we provided assistance with technology needs. No new technology was implemented.