FY 18 Faculty Advisory Committee on Technology (FACT) Report

Fiscal Year 2018

Point of Contact: Igor Dolgov id@nmsu.edu 

Chair: Igor Dolgov id@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 08/2004

Office Providing Administrative Support: ICT and IIQ

Authorizing Body or Offical: Provost

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


FACT is comprised of faculty including community college members. The focus of the committee is to
identify classroom and web technology needs at the institutional level. The committee and ex-officio
members provide input about current technology topics and recommend significant technology
initiatives. The members of the committee ensure that a faculty voice contributes to the decision making
process about technologies while also ensuring that the goals of the University are met. FACT publishes
a newsletter aimed at updating faculty across campus regarding critical technology issues. It can be
found at http://fact.nmsu.edu.


Advisory to the Office of the Provost

What university function / office is responsible for appointments?

Per the FACT Committee By-Laws, representation of FACT will consist of at least one faculty member from each college (Art & Science, Business, Engineering, Health and Social Services, Agriculture, and the library) including Dona Ana Community College. Faculty members are appointed by the Deans of their colleges. There shall be one member who will be representative of the Faculty Senate, this is either the Faculty Senate Chair or appointed by the Faculty Senate Chair. The Faculty Senate representative cannot be the same member representing a college. Members shall be employed by NMSU and classified as a faculty member, teaching at least one course. Members shall serve for at least three academic years not exceeding four years. Members who have completed their term may provide a recommendation or nomination for a replacement. Nominations can be made by the faculty’s respective college through the dean, department head, or FACT member. Nominations from others not listed can also be submitted to FACT for consideration. Ex Officio members include Chief Information Officer, Associate Vice President, ICT Director/Deputy CIO, Provost or designee, Faculty Senate Chair, IIQ Representative, FACT Coordinator, and Student Technology Advisory Committee (STAC) representative. Ex-Officio members are appointed by their supervisors. Any additional members are voted on by the FACT committee, such as Member-at-Large.

Process for Selecting Chair: 

The standard nomination and voting process is used in the committee.

Position appointment description:

Faculty members who have completed their term may provide a recommendation or nomination for a
replacement. Nominations can be made by the faculty’s respective college through the dean,
department head, or FACT member. Nominations from others not listed can also be submitted to FACT
for consideration. Upon term completion or vacancy, the FACT Chair emails the necessary college Dean
to request a new member

Members appointed by: Position

Voting Members:


Tim Chappell

Julia Parra

Christpher Aiken

Joe Song

Liang Sun

Alisa Gonzalez

Richard Oliver

Igor Dolgov

Alexandria Beatty 

Norma Grijalva

Robbie Grant

Michelle Lebsock

Greg Fant

Jennifer Chandler

Randey Bamford

Brook Milligan

Francsico Martinez

Ron Logan

John Roberts

Diana Dugas

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually?

Monthly during Fall and Spring semesters. Joint meetings with STAC 2-4 times per year

Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? Yes

Major Accomplishment:

The FACT committee consults with faculty, staff, student and administrative representatives on a large
variety of important issues including: NMSU Online, HLC Accreditation, the High-Performance
Computing cluster, CRM Advise, NMSU Policy Rule 6.55, Team 3, TIG External Review, Cyber
Infrastructure Architect issues, College Scheduler, VDI Rollout, Student Printing, Bicycle Sharing on
Campus, Basic Online Course Check, Canvas Announcement Policies, REDCap Evaluation, Provost's
Syllabus Tool, Academic Originality Checkers, Canvas Updates and Roadmap, new Adobe Connect LTI,
Banner XE Rollout, Digital Signage, Aggie Innovation Space and Local Video Recording Storage
Management Policies. An important role that the faculty members of the FACT committee serve is to
report current technology related events and alerts back to each of their academic units. Additionally,
the members of the FACT committee report concerns from their business units that are either
addressed by the committee and/or forwarded on to the appropriate campus units and/or published in
the FACT Newsletter.