FY 22 Executive Digital and Web Governance Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2022 

Point of Contact: Melissa Chavira mchavira@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 

Authorizing Body or Offical: Chancellor

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


Our website is the public face of the university and often the first impression people have of the university, whether they arrive through a search, social media, or a print or digital ad campaign. Governance provides a set of guidelines and standards to help site admins, communicators and others with web responsibilities promote clear, consistent messaging and imagery across nmsu.edu and its subsites. Governance also aims to ensure our pages are up to date and easy to navigate. The goal of the governance board:
- Establish a framework of strategy, standards and policies for digital communication, including
nmsu.edu and its associated websites
- This governance framework will support protection of the NMSU brand and reputation, ensure a user experience-oriented navigation, and ensure the most effective and efficient management strategy.
- Provides effective messaging to support strategic goals and areas of focus on high-quality content and
easily accessible resources and services for the NMSU community.
- The purpose of a digital governance is to empower units across the university to quickly create and


The Web Governance Committee will identify strategic goals, assets and activities that are critical to the core academic mission of the university as well as to efforts that strengthen recruitment, advancement and research, and reflect the impact of NMSU on the state of New Mexico.

Chair: Melissa Chavira, end date not determined 

Process for selecting chair: Chair assignments were provided by the Office of the Chancellor. 

How are the chair and members appointed? Combination

Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)? Yes

What university function/office is responsible for future appointments? Marketing and Communications, ICT, Student Success Divisions 

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee? Marketing and Communications 

How often will this board or committee meet? Monthly as needed, Quarterly at a minimum 

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held? No

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  Completed the Cascade implementation plan for Enterprise WordPress. Decommissioned old WordPress servers. Established process and log of external web hosting exemptions. Developed process and standards for personal websites for students, staff and faculty. Developed cascade-users email list to better inform web community of updates and other issues. Streamlined access and security for Cascade platform.