FY 22 Employee Council Report

Fiscal Year 2022 

Point of Contact: Susan Berger sberger@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 11/1949

Authorizing Body or Offical: Regents Policy Manual

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


The Employee Council is an advisory body to the president for all matters affecting NMSU employees and works closely with the university administration to promote and support the mission and vision of NMSU. Members participate in more than 18 standing committees focused on the administration of university policies, initiatives and incentives. Serving on the Employee Council is an excellent way to learn more about NMSU and how it operates, and become more involved in initiatives that benefit employees at NMSU. The Council is led by a Chair and Chair Elect who also serve on university executive-level administrative and policy making councils and boards.
The Employee Council exercises the following functions:
1. Investigate matters involving the policies and procedures of the administration of the university.
2. Make recommendations based on such investigations to the president of the university.
3. Establish and maintain an organization of the university staff
a. To provide communication between the staff and the administration of the university.
b. To provide communication among the several parts of the university staff.


The Employee Council is an advisory body to the president for all matters affecting NMSU employees and works closely with the university administration to promote and support the mission and vision of NMSU.

Chair: Jon Webster, Special Asst. to Vice Chancellor/COO. / Term end date not applicable

Process for selecting chair: Employee Council holds elections on an annual basis to fill open seats. Elections take place generally in January, with the new members being introduced at the February meeting. Also at the regular February meeting, members of the NMSU Employee Council will elect from the primary representatives a chair, chair-elect, secretary/treasurer, recording secretary and website coordinator. The secretary/treasurer and website coordinator will hold office for 1 year. The chair-elect will serve as a member of the Executive Committee for 3 years: 1 year as chair-elect, 1 year as chair, and 1 year as past-chair. The chair will serve for 2 years: 1 year as chair and 1 year as past-chair. In the event that the past-chair no longer serves as a primary NMSU Employee Council member, past-chair will act as an ex-officio member of both the NMSU Employee Council and its Executive Committee during the 1-year past-chair term.

Incoming Chair / Term Begins (if applicable):  

How are the chair and members appointed? As individuals

Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)? Yes

What university function/office is responsible for future appointments? Not applicable. The Council is self-supporting. 

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee? Not applicable. The Council is self-supporting. 

How often will this board or committee meet? Monthly

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held? No

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  

July 2021 marked the return to Campus for many staff members who teleworked during the first year of the pandemic. Employee Council welcomed them back with an ice cream social in July. Employee Council planned and supported the Employee Appreciation Picnic in October and the Founders Day celebration in April. During the Founders day celebration in April, Employee Council awarded the “A” Mountain staff award for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 as well as the annual Aggie Legend award. Each event was a great success, specifically after having to cancel the events during the pandemic. During the reopening of Campus and staff returning to in-office work, Employee Council facilitated discussions and provided information with regard to this process during council meetings. Also during this time period, changes in University leadership led to much activity within the Employee Council, which provided a supportive platform for the discussions and viewpoints of employees voicing their opinions and concerns. Employee Council also coordinated for Team HRS to meet with the council to discuss the new pay scale and compensation study.