FY 21 Employee Council Report

Fiscal Year 2021 

Point of Contact: Joseph Almaguer jalma5@nmsu.edu 

Chair: Joseph Almaguer jalma5@nmsu.edu 

Authorizing Body or Offical: BOR Policy

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


The Employee Council is an advisory body to the president for all matters affecting NMSU
employees and works closely with the university administration to promote and support the mission and
vision of NMSU. Members participate in more than 18 standing committees focused on the
administration of university policies, initiatives and incentives. Serving on the Employee Council is an
excellent way to learn more about NMSU and how it operates, and become more involved in initiatives
that benefit employees at NMSU. The Council is led by a Chair and Chair Elect who also serve on
university executive-level administrative and policy making councils and boards.
The Employee Council exercises the following functions:
1. Investigate matters involving the policies and procedures of the administration of the university.
2. Make recommendations based on such investigations to the president of the university.
3. Establish and maintain an organization of the university staff
3 a. To provide communication between the staff and the administration of the university.
3 b. To provide communication among the several parts of the university staff.


The Employee Council is an advisory body to the president for all matters affecting NMSU employees and works closely with the university administration

to promote and support the mission and vision of NMSU.





Joseph Almaguer, Athletics

Ryan Armendariz, DACC Facilities Support

Lucinda Banegas-Carreon, ACES Extension

Susanne Berger, Facilities and Services

Jamie Bronstein, College of Arts and Sciences

Sarah Daughtery, College of Arts and Sciences

Rosa De La Torre-Burmeister, VPSS Student Success Center

Dennis Dominguez, Grants Maintainence and Custodial

Krystal Espinoza, VPSS University Student Records

Gaylene Fasenko, ACES Animal and Range Sciences

Inigo Garcia Bryce, College of Arts and Sciences

Robbie Grant, VP DLI / Academic Technology

Cecilia Hernandez, College of HEST, Teacher Prep, Administration and Leadership

Donna Johnson, Facilities and Services / HR Dept

Jagdish Khubchandani, HSS Public Health

Kathy LandersAlternate, ACES, McKinley Cooperative Extension Services

Sandra Lujan, VPAF / Aggie Service Center

Marisela Marquez, VPSS, Undergrad Admissions Orientation 

Sandra McKay, University Student Records

Vandeen McKenzie, VPSS, Univ Financial Aid and Scholarship Services

Seth Miner, VPSS, Undergrad Admissions Orientation

Humberto Morales, Carlsbad, Title V Programs

Karena Pirtle, President's Ofc / University Police Dept

HiranyaRoychowdhury, DACC / Science Dept

Nicole Sack, Athletics / Marketing

Leslie Sanchez, Chancellor's Office / Marketing and Communications

Rebecca Smith, College of Arts and Sciences

Jason Turner, ACES / Ext Animal Sciences and Natural Resources

Mindy Turner, ACES / Clovis Cooperative Extension Services

Luis Velasco, VPAF / Facilities and Services

Karla Volpi, Carlsbad Business Office

Polly Wagner, Chancellor's Office Risk Management

Erin Wahl, Library and Reference Research Services 

Sonia White, VP DLI / Academic Technology

Kimberly York, VP EID / Black Programs 

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  

Employee Council planned and supported the Employee Appreciation Picnic
in October and the Founders Day celebration in April. For each of the events, over 2000 employees
attended. During this period of time, transitions in leadership lead to much activity on the counsel to
support the points of view expressed by membership and employees that voiced their opinions to
Employee Council. The council supported several proposals that were forwarded to the Board of
Regents. We held open forums for the new NMSU leadership.