FY 17 Emergency Planning Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2017 

Point of Contact: Johnny Carrillo jcarr622@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 01/2012

Authorizing Body or Offical: President

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


To study, recommend, and implement coordinated emergency
preparedness and response activities for the NMSU System.
The committee will plan and coordinate for potential
emergent conditions brought on by both natural and
manmade situations that potentially place university system
personnel or assets in harm’s way. Such incidents consist of,
but are not limited to weather, fire, criminal acts, and
hazardous material release.


  1. Serves in an advisory capacity to NMSU System Chancellor regarding potential emergent situations, including, but not limited to, review and recommendations regarding the content and administration of the university’s All Hazards Operations Plans, as well as the distinct, multi-agency, Doña Ana County / City of Las Cruces All Hazard Mitigation Plan;
  2. Serves in an advisory capacity to the NMSU System Chancellor regarding administration of Policy 2.25, Emergency Preparedness and other emergency response protocols;
  3. Serves in advisory capacity to the Associate Vice President of Information Technology relating to issues pertaining to the administration of Policy, Emergency Notification;
  4. Serves collectively, or through its individual members, as a resource to the various NMSU campuses, departments and other units regarding the development and application of their respective All Hazards Operations Plans;
  5. Develops and coordinates the execution of, as well as afteraction-review of NMSU System and/or campus wide training exercises and scenarios, in preparation for potential, actual emergencies;
  6. Conducts post-critical incident reviews with pertinent personnel, in order to facilitate improvement in the university’s emergency and administrative responses;
  7. Acts collectively, or through its individual members, to coordinate with other NM agencies, municipalities, local public bodies and the community on issues involving public safety, including but not limited to emergency preparedness training, risk and loss mitigation, and emergency response to catastrophic events;
  8. Acts collectively, or through its individual members, to coordinate with administrative bodies on campus charged with responsibility for university health and safety, including but not limited to the 1) Communicable Disease Preparedness Committee, 2) University Safety Committee, 3) Institutional Biosafety Committee, 4) University Radiation Safety Committee, 5) Institutional Review Board; as well as with each NMSU component or department/unit, as requested, regarding its emergency plans required by Policy 2.25;
  9. Develops and recommends the adoption, or revisión, of university policies and/or protocols; and
  10. Takes other action as may be directed by the NMSU Chancellor.


Glen Haubold, Associate VP of Facilities

Johnny Carrillo, Fire Chief

Stephen Lopez, Police Chief

Katrina Doolittle, Executive Director for Environmental Health and Safety 

Ophelia Watkins, Director of Transportaion / Parking Services 

Justin Bannister, Assistant Director News Service and Media Relations

Minerva Baumann, Director of News and Media Relations

Tim Dobson, Executive Director Facilities and Services 

Norma Grijalva, Chief Information Officer Information and Communication Technologies 

John Roberts, Deputy Chief Information Officer 

Michael Jasek, Dean of Students

Jeff Witte, Director/Secretary NMDA 

Cornell Menking, Associate Provost for International and Border Programs

Renay Scott, Dona Ana Community College President

Ken Van Winkle, Alamogordo Community College President 

Mickey Best, Grants Community College President

John Gratton, Carlsbad Community College President

Wayne Savage, Arrowhead Facility Manager

Scott Field, General Counsel

William Harty, Director of Procurment Services

Chair: Glen Haubold

Position appointment description: 

See above regarding self-goverance. 

How are the chair and members appointed? By position

What university function/office is responsible for future appointments? Facilities and Services / Senior Administrative Assistant

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee? Facilities and Services / Senior Administrative Assistant

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held? None

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  

• Point of distribution exercise;
• NMSU CART flood exercise to include follow-up on the ideas
that came of the exercise;
• DAC/CLC Emergency Planning Tortugas Dam breach exercise
with EBID;
• AHEOP update;
• Off-site Unified Command Post;
• Tunnel repair;
• The Outdoor Weather Warning System Siren functionality
replaced by the Everbridge System;
• Spring all-NMSU emergency notification test;
• Fall all-NMSU emergency notification test;
• Draft of policy for UAS on NMSU campus;
• Emergency Evacuation Plans standardized and updated on
• Start-up of bi-weekly Safety Message campaign via NMSU
• Development of Emergency Preparedness Training module;
• Spring Fire Drills;
• Fall Fire Drills;
• Compliance testing of all fire protection and suppression
systems, eye-wash and emergency showers;
• Lab and building inspections (EHS and FIRE);
• Hazardous waste removal program;
• Run, Hide, Fight. Active Shooter training;
• Fire Extinguisher training;
• CPR training. Certificate course and hands-only; and
• Aggie Safety Event at the NMSU Fire Station