FY 17 Diversity Council Report

Fiscal Year 2017 

Point of Contact: Juan Garcia jbgarcia@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 08/2013

Authorizing Body or Offical: President

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


The NMSU System Diversity Council is a standing advisory body to the Chancellor of NMSU.


The NMSU System Diversity Council is authorized to serve the following functions:
a. To examine structural issues and policies to provide advice to the NMSU President relating to
discrimination, diversity, and inclusion throughout the NMSU system. These issues include and are not
limited to: the recruitment and retention of underrepresented students, faculty and staff at all NMSU
campuses, and the systematic development and maintenance of equity and inclusion throughout the
NMSU system. The creation of this system-wide diversity council does not preclude the individual
campuses from appointing a campus-based group, ad hoc or standing, to address diversity issues.
Advice and recommendations from such campus groups to central administration shall be brought to
the NMSU System Diversity Council through each campus' member representative on the NMSU System
Diversity Council.
b. To provide informed advice on equity and access as well as actively participate in university process to
assist in development, assessing and achieving Vision 2020 Diversity Goals and supporting planning
documents that will be developed by our units and community colleges.

Chair: Michael Ray mikerry@nmsu.edu 

Position appointment description: 

a-j. the Director or equivalent head
k-n. through its Chair or President
o-v. through its Dean, Vice President or equivalent
w-z. President of the respective campus
aa. Director of OIE of their designee

How are the chair and members appointed? Combination

What university function/office is responsible for future appointments? Voting members of diversity council

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee? Administrative support shall be provided from among council members.

How often will this board or committee meet? 6

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held? 6

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  

Brought up concerns about the formation of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.
Brought up concerns about Travel Ban-Invited Michael Schmelze from ISS to share impact on International Students.
Brought up concerns about hate crimes and Harassment related to International and domestic studentsinvited Lauri Millot from Office of Institutional Equity to share policies and procedures when reporting crimes.
Brought up call for new representatives from area whose terms have expired.