FY 18 Degree Revocation and Expulsion Hearing Board Report

Fiscal Year 2018

Point of Contact: Dacia Sedillo

E-mail: dacia@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 1/1/1950

Office Providing Administrative Support: Executive Vice President and Provost

Authorizing Body or Offical: Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP)

Type of Board: Ad hoc

Scope of Impact: System

Position appointment description:

Five senior fauculty members appointed by the executive vice president and provost. The executive vice
president and provost shall designate one member of the committee as the chair. In the event of a
conflict of interest, bias against the accused, or refusal to serve on the committee, the executive vice
president and provost shall appoint a replacement.

Members appointed by: Position

Chair: No chair


What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? As needed

Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? Yes


On rare occasions, a degree may be awarded to an individual
who, upon review, has not properly completed all
requirements for the degree. This ad-hoc committee decides
those cases where a preliminary investigation by the College
Dean resulted in a charge of serious academic misconduct
that would result in revocation of a degree. Students have
appeal rights to the Chancellor and, ultimately, to the Board of


Decision making

Major Accomplishment:

The ad hoc committee did not convene.