FY 17 Concern Assessment Response and Education (CARE) Report

Fiscal Year 2017

Effective Date of Establishment:  05/2013

Authorizing Body or Official: BOR Policy

Scope of Impact: System

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Michael Jasek mjasek@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Michael Jasek mjasek@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  BOR Policy 

Position appointment description:

Members of CARE are appointed due to the fact that the
department will have direct contact with an individual of
concern such as Housing and Residential Life, Police, Human

Members are appointed by: Position

Voting Members: 

Michael Jasek, Dean of Students

Amanda Bowen, Interim  Assistant Dean of Students - Conduct

Beth Armstead, Vice President of Student Services - Grants

Dario Silva - Director of Employee Assistance Program

Jason Castillo, Associate Human Resouce Specialist

Jennie Baca, VP Student Services - Carlsbad

Jeff Ferguson Conduct Officer - DACC

Judi Voelz, Medical Doctor Student Health Center

Karen Schaefer, Director Counseling & Student Development 

Kathryn Fuller, Interim VP Student Success - Alamogordo

Louis Huber, Deputy Chief - Fire Department

Matt Crouse, Director of Housing and Residential Life

Trudy Luken, Director of Student Accessibility Services 

Andrew Bowen, Deputy Chief - Police Department

Will Waller, Assistant Dean of Students - Case Manager

Laui Millot, Director of Office of Institutional Equity 

Ex-officio / Non-Voting Members

Lisa Warren, Associate General Counsel


The purpose(s) of this Rule, and corresponding procedural
guidelines, as they may be
subsequently issued by the Rule administrators, are as
1. To heighten awareness and mutual concern for the welfare
of all within the New Mexico State University
(NMSU) system, which includes all campuses and work sites,
and to encourage the reporting of observed
behaviors of concern occurring in the classroom, on campus,
in NMSU Housing, in the workplace, or at
any other university location or sponsored event.
2. To facilitate communication and coordination among
university officials charged with maintaining a safe
and secure environment for university students, employees,
and others, specifically with a focus on the
avoidance of critical incidents caused by individual or group
misconduct, through early detection and
reporting, risk assessment and responsive action.
3. To formally recognize and authorize the Conduct
Assessment/Response, and Education (CARE)
Committee and its subcommittee, the Behavioral Intervention
Team, and to clarify their respective roles
and responsibilities relative to the process by which the
behavior of concern will be assessed for risk and
determination of appropriate precautionary and/or follow up


The committee has the authority to assess the level of risk of a
given situations and develop a plan of action. Each member
holds responsibility to their given department and division.

Were the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? 

Committee meets weekly unless there are no cases of
concerning behavior.

Major Accomplishments:

Hired a Case Manager to help with the case load coming from
CARE. The position assist with follow ups on students of
Presented CARE at the Teaching Academy, College of Arts and
Science and the Department of English.
Held the annual retreat in July.