FY 17 Compliance Oversight Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2017

Effective Date of Establishment:  08/2014

Authorizing Body or Official: President

Scope of Impact: System

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Luis Vazquez lvazquez@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Luis Vazquez lvazquez@nmsu.edu  

University function/office responsible:  Office of the President 

Position appointment description:

The members were appointed by the authority of the office of
which they represent on the committee (i.e., athletics, audit,
etc.). The members were selected by the highest ranking
administrator in the office of which they represent on the

Members are appointed by: Position

Voting Members: N/A



New Mexico State University (NMSU) operates within complex
regulatory environments that are
constantly changing. The number of laws, rules and
regulations increased focus on regulatory and
statutory compliance at colleges and universities by federal
and state agencies, and consequences of
noncompliance make it increasingly important and necessary
for NMSU to fully understand the scope
of the compliance activities across the institution. Historically,
compliance oversight has not been
centralized or performed through a coordinated effort. No one
individual, department, or committee is
responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and
regulations. This lack of coordination increases the
risk of noncompliance going undetected and limits the
likelihood that compliance concerns will be
appropriately communicated. This supports the need for a
central compliance oversight function at the NMSU.
The purpose of this committee is to be responsible for
assuring compliance with laws and regulations that impact
functional areas and provides guidance relative to regulatory
compliance matters, along with ensuring compliance
with NMSU’s regulatory requirements.


The Compliance Oversight Committee is under the authority of
the President of the New Mexico State University (NMSU). It is
currently reviewing compliance issues and processes at NMSU.

Was the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? 

Second Wednesday of each month. Has not met in the spring semester.

Major Accomplishments:

Developed a comprehensive website for oversight compliance and carried out risk management reviews of literature for consideration for the adminnistration.