FY 17 Commencement Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2017

Effective Date of Establishment:  01/1990

Authorizing Body or Official: Provost

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Marisela Marquez mariseto@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Marisela Marquez mariseto@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Department with direct connection to Commencement.

Position appointment description:

Areas directly related to Commencement will appoint a member for representation.

Members are appointed by: position


Planning and implementation of Las Cruces Main Campus Commencement.


Advisory and planning committee to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

Was the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? Meetings are held four times a year, during the months of May and December. No requirements,
meetings held on a need basis.

Major Accomplishments:

Implementation of ongoing changes to the Commencement Ceremony and processes, based on student, staff, faculty, and administration feedback. Multiple initiates were created in an effort to expand participation to all areas within the University. The Faculty congratulatory line was proposed in the Fall of 2016 by faculty to increase participation and visibility in the Commencement Ceremonies. This new tradition will continue in future ceremonies. Increasing participation of faculty members has also been completed by faculty volunteering to assist in the lineup and marshaling of students during the Commencement Ceremonies. The Committee, collaborated with Dr. Steven Stochaj and Aggie Innovation from the College of Engineering, to create confetti canons for the ceremonies.