FY 22 Clery Act Compliance Advisory Committee (CACACA) Report

Fiscal Year 2022

Your Name (Point of Contact):

Ann Goodman

Email (Point of Contact):


Official Board Name:

Clery Act Compliance Advisory Committee

New Official Board Name (if applicable):

no change

Is this board being dissolved?:


Authorizing body or official:

Vice Chancellor

Type of Board:


Scope of Impact:


Board Purpose:

1. The Clery Act Compliance Advisory Committee (CACAC) is an Ad Hoc advisory committee, established pursuant to ARP 16.12 - Clery Act Compliance, provisionally enacted by the chancellor. The CACAC’s role is to monitor and maintain review process of NMSU’s Clery reporting structure and current practices, official policies and procedures, and to recommend changes as appropriate.

2. The CACAC will review national and regional best practices relating to Clery Act compliance and make recommendations to enhance inter-campus and intra-campus communication and coordination relating to the gathering of information necessary for accurate statistical reporting.

3. The CACAC will serve as a resource to the campus officials responsible for filing and posting an Annual Security Report by October 1st of each year for their campus.

4. The CACAC will collectively review and discuss the previous year’s Annual Security Reports filed by each NMSU campus, and make recommendations for improvement.

5. Other tasks assigned by the chancellor.

Board Authority:

Advisory to the Chancellor

Current Chair / Term Ends:

Ann C. Goodman, Dean of Students & Andrew Bowen, Chief of University Police

Describe the process for selecting the chair :

The Committee is co-chaired by the Dean of Students and Chief of University Police. These two university administrative positions are most closely tied to Clery Act Reporting responsibilities.

Membership: The committee’s membership is based upon the position held. The CACAC will solicit information and feedback from other university stakeholders determined to be key to Clery Compliance and will invite them attend the meetings as needed, as well as keep their respective administrative officials apprised about the work of the CACAC.

Incoming Chair / Term Begins (if applicable) :

How are the chair and members appointed?:

By position

Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)?:


What university function/office is responsible for future appointments?:

Office of the Vice Chancellor

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee?:

Division of Student Success * Office of the Dean of Students

How often will this board or committee meet?:

At least two times per semester

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held?:


In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made? (if applicable):

Over the past fiscal year, members of the committee conducted a review of what constitutes a campus security authority AND updated the training materials and delivery mechanisms for designated Campus Security Authorities. This project and subsequent training program was set for release in Fall 2022 and is an online training requirement of specifically designated positions through CLPD's training central venue.

Projects in progress for the current fiscal year include a review and update of APR 16.12 - Clery Act Compliance AND ongoing safety education programs for students.