FY 22 Campus Planning Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2022 

Point of Contact: Heather Watenpaugh hzw@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 07/1987

Authorizing Body or Offical: Chancellor

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: System


The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) is established by the President as an advisory group that represents the NMSU campus community to review proposed projects that impact the visual, physical appearance of the campus.

The CPC is also NMSU's heritage preservation (historic preservation) committee and reviews all issues related to historic preservation and implementation of the Heritage Preservation Plan.

The CPC also takes action on development of the master plans for the main campus (12.05), and hears appeals to the Uniform Navigation Signage, NMSU Wayfinding and Signage policy (12.06). Recent modification to NMSU policy (18.10) for Namings, includes non-honorific namings. Campus Planning Committee chair will coordinate an ad hoc advisory committee. CPC could be the ad hoc advisory committee.

For purposes of CPC actions taken under this charge, the term "review" refers to presentation and discussion of items that do not require a vote. The term "approve" is used in relation to actions requiring a vote; these items are subsequently forwarded to the president in the form of a recommendation.

For clarification, this review should be for all NMSU projects within the triangle of I25 / I10 and University Avenue, including ADI and Arrowhead projects and would apply to ADI projects outside the triangle.

The CPC makes recommendations to the Chancellor/President, and while this formalizes the process a little, final approval is unchanged and still resides with the Chancellor/President.


Established by the Board of Regents and included in Board Policy.

Chair: Heather Zack Watenpaugh, University Architect hzw@nmsu.edu 

Process for selecting chair: Chair is permanent and statutory.

Incoming Chair / Term Begins (if applicable):  

How are the chair and members appointed? Chair contacts the appointing party in the summer prior to the coming school year (Fall semester).

Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)? Yes

What university function/office is responsible for future appointments? Facilities and Services

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee? Chairs department

How often will this board or committee meet? Meetings are normally held on the first Wednesday of each month except summer (June, July, and August). Meetings are only held when there are agenda items to consider. There is a shortened, electronic process for interim decisions on minor matters if needed between regular meetings. This reporting year, meetings were held virtually via Zoom rather than in-person due to the COVID pandemic and work from home participants

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held? No

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  

Updates on the new work (previously approved) for the I-25/University Avenue Interchange Landscape and Campus Entry project, Ag Modernization and Educational Facilities, NMDA New Lab Building, and the Baseball Training Facility. Information items included Annual Capital Outlay top priorities; discussion of controlled access need for Stewart Street; NMSU Bookstore Naming; and Master Planning Updates for Space Optimization and Migration Plan.
Discussion, review and recommendation for approval of the DACC Creative Media Building at Arrowhead Park. Highlights on the project review included Space Cabinet input on the analysis of potential sites for the Creative Media Technology building and exterior elevations. Notes on not reducing the landscape planned for new development at Arrowhead Park along new roadways and timeframe for other facilities expected at the research park were mentioned.