FY 19 Campus Planning Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2019

Effective Date of Establishment:  01/1990

Authorizing Body or Official: President 

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Carla Anaya canaya@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Heather Watenpaugh hzw@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Facilities and Services 

Position appointment description:

The voting membership includes one representative from each college and one from the Library one representative designated by each Vice President and one designated by the President one member of the staff (elected by the NMSU Employee Council); one faculty member elected by the Faculty Senate; two student representatives recommended for appointment by the President of ASNMSU to serve a one year term; one member from the Athletic Department; and one member from Special Events.

Ex-officio members of the committee include a representative of the City of Las Cruces (recommended by the Mayor for appointment by the President) and a representative of Dona Ana County (recommended by the County Manager for appointment by the President).

Members are appointed by:  position


Voting Members

Patti Havstad, Ag Research Scientist

Jim Murphy, Interim Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences

Pat Gavin, Professor

David Mitchell, Assistant Professor

Juanita Hannan Director, Research and Budgeting

Katie Terpis, Library Associate Dean

Emerson Morrow, ASNMSU Student Assistant

Tara Young, ASNMSU Grad Student

Becky Corran, CC Department Chair

Monica Dunivan, Program Coordinator

Heather Watenpaugh, University Architect

D'Anne Stuart, Associate Vice President of Administration and Finance

Alton Looney, Executive Director of Project Development and Engineering

Greg Fant, Associate VP and Deputy Provost

Renay Scott, VP Student Success

Michelle Gavin, Research Integrity Coordinator 

Scott Eschenbrenner, Senior Vice President External Relations

Darlene Nelson, Vice President University Advancement

Scott Breckner, Director of Special Events 

James Hall, Associate Athletic Director, Sports Administration

Conni DeBlieck, Assistant Professor

Mike Luchau, CC Manager Facilities

Jack Kirby, Assistant Director, EHS

Non-Voting Members


Andrew Burke, Sr VP Admin & Finance

Jose Loera, Assistant Director 

Robert Herrera, Assistant Director

Jon Webster, Assistant Director

Glenn Haubold, AVP Facilities and Services

Suzanne Montes, Manager Space Planning

Steve Bettner, Assistant VP, Auxiliary Services

Stella Harvey, Supervisor Operations

Stephen Lopez, Police Chief

Greg Smith, Las Cruces City Council


The Campus Planning Committee (CPC) is established by the President as an advisory group that represents the NMSU campus community to review proposed projects that impact the visual, physical appearance of the campus.

The CPC is also NMSU’s heritage preservation (historic preservation) committee and reviews all issues related to historic preservation and implementation of the Heritage Preservation Plan.

The CPC also hears appeals to the Uniform Navigation Signage, NMSU Wayfinding and Signage policy (12.60).

For purposes of CPC actions taken under this charge, the term “review” refers to presentation and discussion of items that do not require a vote. The term “approve” is used in relation to actions requiring a vote; these items are subsequently forwarded to the president in the form of a recommendation.

For clarification, this review should be for all NMSU projects within the triangle of I25 / I10 and University Avenue, including ADI and Arrowhead projects and would not apply to ADI projects outside the triangle, although it is requested that the University Architect review any proposed design.

The CPC makes recommendations to the Chancellor/President, and while this formalizes the process a little, final approval is unchanged and still resides with the Chancellor/President.


Established by the Board of Regents and included in Board Policy.

Was the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually?

Meetings are normally held on the first Wednesday of each month except summer (June, July, and August). Meetings are only held when there are agenda items to consider. There is a shortened, electronic process for interim decisions on minor matters if needed between regular meetings.

Major Accomplishments:

Discussion, review and recommendation for approval of the Monumental Signage Master Plan for the Las Cruces campus