FY 18 Award Selection Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2018

Effective Date of Establishment:  07/1987

Authorizing Body or Official: Administrative Rules and Procedures (ARP)

Scope of Impact: System

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Tim Nesbitt tnesbitt@nmsu.edu  

Chair:  Tim Nesbitt tnesbitt@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Office of the Provost appoints members to this committee.


Process for selecting a chair: Elected by membership.

Position appointment description:

The Office of the Provost appoints members to this committee.

Members are appointed by:  as individuals


To review individuals nominate for the Ralph B. Crouch Memorial Award and select the successful nominee.


Authority granted by the Office of the Provost to review and select the successful nominee.

Was the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? Two meetings are required, one to receive nominations and one to tabulate scoring to select the successful candidate.

Major Accomplishments:

The committee sent out requests for nominations for FY 17 and received only one that was outside the
appropriate classification of employment. Other nominations were sought after the deadline. Upon
receipt of the names of nominees the committee felt it was inappropriate to select one from the list as
all were from one college obviously representing the effort of one committee member's request for

The committee agreed to make extraordinary effort to solicit nominations from the university
community through the Center for Learning and Professional Development. Additionally, the committee
wrote to Provost Howard informing him that all committee members, including the chair, terms had
expired and the remaining two members sought his permission to be reappointed for one year to give
him time to re-staff the committee. That request went unanswered.

A duplicate of the request made in FY 17 was made in FY 18 again going unanswered until
approximately, June 15 when Provost Howard informed the chair that he would be reappointing
members to the committee. In August 2018 the former chair heard from the Chancellor's office
requesting the chair accept another term to serve a new term beginning immediately. The contacted
former member agreed to accept the nomination to serve on the committee. Three additional members
need to be appointed to the committee so it may function in FY 2019.

The former chair contacted the family of Ralph B. Crouch in June 2018 to let them know that the
committee is working to improve responses to the solicitations for nominations. The family
acknowledges the effort to receive quality nominees.