FY 18 Athletics Council Report

Fiscal Year 2018

Effective Date of Establishment:  08/2000

Authorizing Body or Official: Provost

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  David Keys davekeys@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  David Keys davekeys@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Athletics

Voting Members:

David Keys, PhD

Ben Widner, PhD

Jerry Hawkes, PhD

Spencer Herrera, PhD

David Rockstraw, PhD

Keith Mandabach, PhD

James Peach, PhD

Donovan Olvera, Student

David Keely, PhD


Ex-officio Non-voting Members

Mario Moccia, Athletic Director

Braun Cartwright, Asst. AD

James Hall, Asst. AD

Process for selecting a chair: The chair is chosen by the members of the council at the first meeting of each academic year.

Position appointment description:

Appointments are made on the basis of membership within a given body (e.g. Employee Council, Faculty Senate...student government, Associated Students of NMSU) in a voluntary manner.

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  No explicit requirements.

Members are appointed by:  position


Appointments are made on the basis of membership within a given body (e.g. Employee Council, Faculty Senate...student government, Associated Students of NMSU) in a voluntary manner.


Advisory body reporting to the Provost

Was the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? There is no requirement. However, the council meets at least once per sememster.

Major Accomplishments:

1. Elected a chairperson, David Keys.
2. Hearing the activities and financial reports of the Athletic Director and added details from the
Assistant ADs.
3. Reports from chairperson and members on the annual meetings of National Student-Athletics
representatives, NCAA, COIA.
4. Considered a proposal (from Chair) on potential Faculty Senate proposal for an "Athletic Activities"
minor course of study. (Report and proposal from University of North Carolina athletic representative).
The council did not achieve a resolution on this issue and it was carried over to the 2018-2019 year.
5. Ongoing review of community relations, recruiting, and advertising of Athletic Department events and
existing calendars.
6. As a council, offering opinions, views, and recommendations on university events (Chancellor search,
financial redistribution of monies) and policies as they occur.
7. Hearing student reactions and interests on the budget, athletic activities, and planning.