FY 17 Athletics Council Report

Fiscal Year 2017

Effective Date of Establishment:  08/2000

Authorizing Body or Official: President

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Kevin Melendez kdm@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Kevin Melendez kdm@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Athletics

Voting Members:

Associate Professor Kevin Melendrez

Assistant Professor David Keeley

Professor Pricilla Bloomquist

Academic Department Head David Rockstraw

ASNMSU Chad Martin

ASNMSU Kimberly Ferrante

Professor Satya Rao

Faculty Athletic Representative Jim Peach

Professor Keith Mandabach

Associate Professor David Keys

Associate Professor Spencer Herrea

Ex-officio Non-voting Members

Director of Athletics Mario Moccia

Deputy AD/COO Braun Cartwright

Associate AD James Hall

Assistant to the Director Maria Rocha-Hall

Process for selecting a chair: The chair is chosen by the members of the council at the first meeting of each academic year.

Position appointment description:

During April of the appropriate year, each college shall either elect faculty members, or the college's dean shall appoint a faculty member, to serve a three (3) year term beginning in September of that year. Faculty members may serve no more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. Two students will be elected from and by ASNMSU senators and officers at the first ASNMSU meeting in September of each year for one (1) year term. Students may serve no more than two (2) consecutive one (1) year terms. The member from the Employee Council shall be elected each April, from its staff members only, for a two (2) year term. Employee Council member shall serve no more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms. A faculty athletics representative (FAR) to the NCAA and the WAC shall be appointed by the President of the University. The appointment to the Western Athletic Conference shall be from a separate list of three names of University representatives nominated by the Committee on Committees of the Faculty Senate as a whole. The Faculty Senate representative will be elected from and by the Faculty Senate in May to serve a three (3) year term. The Faculty Senate member may serve no more than two (2) consecutive three (3) year terms. This person shall be responsible for liaison between the Athletics Council and the Faculty Senate and for the introduction in the Faculty Senate of proposed legislation arising in the Athletics Council.

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  There is no requirement. However, the council meets at least once per sememster.

Members are appointed by:  as individuals


The NMSU Athletics Council serves in an advisory capacity to:
• The President of the University (Garrey Carruthers);
• The Faculty Athletic Representative to the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (Jim Peach); and
• The Director of Athletics (Mario Moccia).
The purpose of the NMSU Athletics Council is to:
• advise these persons relative to the rules, regulations and
administration of intercollegiate athletics
• formulate and present to the Faculty Senate
recommendations for its consideration regarding policies and
programs, keeping in mind that the primary purpose of the
athletic program is to further the educational goals of the
University and to serve the students both as participants and
spectators and,
• submit an annual report of its activities to the Faculty Senate


The NMSU Athletics Council serves in an advisory capacity to:

• The President of the University (Garrey Carruthers);

• The Faculty Athletic Representative to the National Collegiate
Athletic Association (Jim Peach); and

• The Director of Athletics (Mario Moccia).

Was the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes

What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? There is no requirement. However, the council meets at least once per sememster.

Major Accomplishments:

The council served in an advisory capacity:

1. Reviewed the Athletics Department of Gender Equity Plan Progress
2. Reviewed the Student Athlete Handbook
3. Reviewed a summary the academic performance of student athletes
4. Served in an advisory capacity regarding academic and advising processes used by the athletic department