FY 18 Council for Associate Deans for Research Report

Fiscal Year 2018

Point of Contact:  Cortney Chavez cortneyc@nmsu.edu 

Established Date: 09/2011

Authorizing Body or Offical: Provost

Type of Board: Standing

Scope of Impact: Campus


The Council of Associate Deans for Research is an advisory
group to recommend research policy and to coordinate
operational research procedures among the colleges,
university research institutes, and central research



Chair: Luis Vazquez lvazquez@nmsu.edu 


Natalie Goldberg, Associate Dean for Research 

Jim Murphy, Associate Dean for Research 

Bill Gould, Associate Dean for Research

Susan Brown, Associate Dean for Research 

Phillip DeLeaon, Associate Dean for Research

Karen Kopera-Frye, Associate Dean for Research

Sam Fernald, Director - WRRI

Joanne Esparza, Interim Director

Rebecca Palacios, Chair URC 

Position appointment description:

The Council is composed of the associate deans for research of each of the colleges, the director of the
physical science laboratory, director for the WRRI, and the University Research Council Chair, who serves
as an ex officio capacity.

How are the chair and members appointed? By position

What university function/office is responsible for future appointments? The college dean's individual appointment of their associate
dean of research determines who will be on CADRE.

How often will this board or committee meet? Second Wednesday of each month at 3pm

Are there any requirements for the number of meetings to be held? Yes

In the past fiscal year, what accomplishments have been made (if applicable)?  

The Board is in continual review of the entire research enterprise at NMSU by evaluating the current research resources available, sustainability of these resources, research trends, federal & state
regulatory updates, and interdisciplinary opportunities across departments and colleges. The Chair set up a task-force of CADRe members to find a new program that will assist in increasing funding opportunities and increase research productivity. GRID was taken offline and PIVOT was purchased and put into operation. CADRe members served as reviewers for the IMPACT Mini Grant awards that were highly successful in generating interdisciplinary research with young and senior researchers between colleges.