Fiscal Year 2019
Effective Date of Establishment: 08/2011
Authorizing Body or Official: Provost
Scope of Impact: Campus
Type of Board: Standing
Contact Information: Susan Beck
Chair: Susan Beck
University function/office responsible: The Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
Position appointment description:
Members are appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost on the recommendation of the
Deans from the academic colleges.
Members are appointed by: As individuals
Voting Members:
Susan Beck, Professor
Mary Ballyk, Associate Professor
Jeanne Flora, Professor
John Hartley, Assistant Professor
Jiannong (John) Xu
Cynthia Pelak, Associate Professor
Tauna Cole-Dorn, Associate Professor
Randy McFerrin, Associate Professor
Henrietta Pinchon, Associate Professor
Rolfe Sassenfeld, Associate Professor
Anup Amatya, Assistant Professor
Laura Grant, Program Specialist, Office of Executive Vice President and Provost
Calixto Melero, Institutional Researcher
David Smith, Director of Assessment, Office of Executive Vice President and Provost
April Masson, Executive Vice President and Provost
The purpose of the CASL-GE is to actively support faculty, staff, administrators and students in
increasing and documenting institutional effectiveness by facilitating meaningful assessment of student
learning in the lower-level general education curriculum by
1. Planning, overseeing and reporting on annual assessment of student learning in the general
education curriculum
2. Engaging the campus community in comprehensive, cooperative assessment of student learning in
the general education curriculum
3. Being a proponent for using assessment as a means to improve educational experiences for students
4. Collaborating with the General Education Course Certification Committee (GECCC) to ensure approved
courses meet requirements for assessment
5. Continually monitoring progress and effectiveness of assessment practices in general education
Advisory to the Director of Assessment, the Associate Provost and the Executive Vice President & Provost
Was the requirements for the number of meetings met? Yes
What are the requirements for the number of meetings to be held annually? There is no set minimum number of meetings required each year. Generally, the committee meets once
per month.
Major Accomplishments:
1. Developed critical thinking assessment instrument in the fall
and implemented it to 370 students in 13 Viewing a Wider
World courses
2. In spring, held 2 scoring sessions for the assessment
instrument at the Teaching Academy
3. Explored developing a content module for courseembedded assessment
4. Revised membership so that specific members represent at
least 1 of the 6
General Education content areas