FY 21 Associated Students of New Mexico State University (ASNMSU) Report

Fiscal Year 2021

Effective Date of Establishment:  08/1910

Authorizing Body or Official: BOR Policy. Established and outlined as part of RPM 2.44.

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Mathew Madrid asnmsup@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Mathew Madrid asnmsup@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Our staff is in the Student Affairs and Enrollment management line, but most of the staff is in office to provide support.

Process for selecting a chair: President is elected to the position, this is the chair of the Executive branch. The Vice President is also elected who is the chair of the Legislative branch. The Chief Justice is appointed, by the President, who is the chair of the Judicial branch.

Position appointment description:

Each member that is appointed goes through an application and interview process. The ASNMSU President chooses the most qualified candidate and the ASNMSU Senate confirms this candidate.

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  There must be at least six senate meetings per semester for the Legislative branch. There are no set requirements about the other two branches.

Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? Yes

Members are appointed by:  position


Mathew Madrid, President,
Tiffany Flores, Vice President,
Zaira Martin, Chief Justice,
Sonya Shanbhag, Chief of Staff,
Delaney Kast, Director of Activities,
Celeste Ramirez, Assistant Director of Activities,
Evan Stanfield, Assistant Director of Activities,
Shawn Roybal, Assistant Director of Activities,
Mario Martinez, Director of Public Relations,
Daniel Lira, Assistant Director of Public Relations,
Anthony McKenna, Assistant Director of Public Relations,
Jett Barela, Director of Services,
Megan Balkin, Chief Elections Officer,
Armando Burciaga, Deputy Chief Elections Officer,
Adan Armijo, Attorney General,
Gabriel Ronquillo, Director of Governmental Affairs,
Nevaeh Fierro, Assistant Director of Governmental Affairs,
Faith Aguilar, Director of Community Outreach,
Danielle Hamilton, Assistant Director of Community Outreach,
Marlon Barrera, Comptroller
Jamayra Camacho-Calderon, Assistant Comptroller,
Andy Santos, Assistant Comptroller,
Julie Mendoza, Associate Justice,
Kayla Moehn, Associate Justice,
Ivan Sanchez, Associate Justice,
Emily Durkin, Associate Justice,
Alex Nichols, Arts & Science Senator,
Andie Salas, Arts & Science Senator,
Laura Laemmle, Arts & Science Senator,
Oliva Caballes, Arts & Science Senator,
David De La Cruz, Arts & Science Senator,
David Hernandez, Arts & Science Senator,
Nic Sandoval, Arts & Science Senator,
Kaleigh Trujillo, Arts & Science Senator,
Jace White, ACES Senator,
Ethan Ortiz-Ulibarri, ACES Senator,
Jason Quintana, ACES Senator,
Anayancy Campos, Business Senator,
Hannah Straley, Business Senator,
Justin Dolan-Flores, Business Senator,
Emily Beker, Education Senator,
Stephanie Frisch, Education Senator,
Salma Lopez, Education Senator,
Amy Lucero, Health & Social Services Senator,
Katie Meyer, Health & Social Services Senator,
Hugo Gutierrez, Engineering Senator,
Andrew Pantoja, Engineering Senator,
Grace Igwe, Engineering Senator,
Omid Jafari, Graduate Senator,
Gopal Tamang, Graduate Senator,
Jimoh Fatoki, Graduate Senator,
Shravya Dharba, Graduate Senator,
Deblina Misra, Graduate Senator,
Ehtesham Shareef, Graduate Senator


The Associated Students of New Mexico State University is committed to serving the student body of NMSU. We endeavor to enhance the college experience by providing valuable programs, events, and services to the students of New Mexico State University. As a governing body, it is our duty to use decorum in all situations involving our constituents and the image of the university community.


Established and outlined in the NMSU Policy Manual - 1.05.85. ASNMSU serves as an advisory body to the Board of Regents through the ASNMSU President

Major Accomplishments:

ASNMSU held over 36 independent events that reached over 8,000 students. Over $300,000 was appropriated to the students by the ASNMSU Senate. Internal restructuring and procedural refinement also took place to maximize efficiency in the upcoming year