FY 17 Associated Students of New Mexico State University (ASNMSU) Report

Fiscal Year 2017

Effective Date of Establishment:  1910

Authorizing Body or Official: BOR Policy

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Carley Casey asnmsup@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Mathew Bose asnmsup@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Our staff is in the Student Affairs and Enrollment management line, but most of the staff is in office to provide support.

Process for selecting a chair: President is elected to the position, this is the chair of the Executive branch. The Vice President is also elected who is the chair of the Legislative branch. The Chief Justice is appointed, by the President, who is the chair of the Judicial branch.

Position appointment description:

Each member that is appointed goes through an application and interview process. The ASNMSU President chooses the most qualified candidate and the ASNMSU Senate confirms this candidate.

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  There must be at least six senate meetings per semester for the Legislative branch. There are no set requirements about the other two branches.

Was the requirement for the number of meetings met? Yes

Members are appointed by:  position


To be an advocate on behalf of student interest and to providestudent oversight on various committees. The Association alsoprovides student activities and events of interest to thestudent body.


Established and outlined in the NMSU Policy Manual - 1.05.85

Major Accomplishments:

Continued to advocate for students on a daily basis, helping topass the Gap Year Bill for the State of New Mexico. We alsocontinued to provide an exceptional level of services to ourstudents including successful events, concerts, and tailgates.We saw an increase in turnout and involvement at all eventsand aided in school sprit for men's basketball games byhosting tailgates before. We also had a record breakingturnout for our Spring Elections and appropriated $244,500 tostudent organizations for conference and competitionexpenses.