FY 22 NMSU Alcohol Review Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2022

Effective Date of Establishment:  03/2002

Authorizing Body or Official: BOR Policy 

Board Website: 

Scope of Impact: System

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Jean Hertzman jhertzma@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Jean Hertzman, jhertzma@nmsu.edu. The Director of the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management no end date.

Process for selecting a chair: Per the original policy, the Director of the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management is always the chair of the committee. 

University function/office responsible:  School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Position appointment description:


Are members subject to a term appointment (three years or less)? No

What university function/office is responsible for future appointemnts? The committee chair locates/appoints members upon recommendation from the leader of the group represented on the committee. 

What university office/function provides administrative support to this board or committee meet? Support provided by SHRTM administrative assistant. Chair of the committee works closely with the NMSU Police and Chancellor's office 

Requirements for number of annual meetings: Meets through email as necessary to review and approve applications. Generally hold one meeting per year to discuss policies and orient new members. 


To develop guidelines and forms for requests for alcohol to be served and/or sold on campuses in non-governmental licensed facilities.
To educate event sponsors and administrators about the alcohol permit process.
To review and recommend requests for alcohol to be served and/or sold.


Advisory only. To make recommendations for or against the sale or service of alcohol at University events to the Chancellor.

Major Accomplishments: For FY'22, the committee met in person to discuss policies and procedures regarding the return of alcohol related events to campus based on the lifting of restrictions on mass gatherings due to the pandemic.

The committee reviewed and approved nine applications for alcohol service at various NMSU events held between August 2021 and June 2022.

As chair, Jean Hertzman communicated with various groups on campus regarding the alcohol policies. She worked with the NMSU Foundation, Chancellor's Office and other groups and provided education regarding the differences in licenses and event permits, especially for public events. She responded to inquiries about many other events that did not result in applications being filed.