FY 21 NMSU Alcohol Review Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2021

Effective Date of Establishment:  03/2002

Authorizing Body or Official: BOR Policy / Chancellor

Board Website: 

Scope of Impact: System

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Jean Hertzman jhertzma@nmsu.edu 

Chair:  Jean Hertzman jhertzma@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Voting Members:

Director Jean Hertzman

Police Chief Andrew Bowen 

Director Ophelia Watkins

Faculty Senate Member Julie Correa 

ASNMSU Representative Hayleigh Haven 

Assistant Vice President Gena Jones

Employee Council Representative Joseph Almaguer 

Michelle Bernstein, Housing and Residential Life

Gabriela Graham, Security Coordinator NMSU Police Dept.

Non-Voting Members:

Dwayne Winiewski, Sodexo, Director of Operations

Assistant General Counsel, Scott Field

Jacqueline Ann Talavera, School of HRTM, Administrative Assistant

Position appointment description:

Yes, as described in Board of Regents Policy

Requirements for number of annual meetings: No requirements


To develop guidelines and forms for requests for alcohol to be served and/or sold on campuses in non-governmental licensed facilities.
To educate event sponsors and administrators about the alcohol permit process.
To review and recommend requests for alcohol to be served and/or sold.


Advisory only. To make recommendations for or against the sale or service of alcohol at University events in non-licensed areas as detailed in procedures approved by the Board of Regents. The Chancellor's office has final approval authority for permitting alcohol at events.

Major Accomplishments: The committee normally meets once or twice a year in person and the rest of the business to review and approve alcohol event applications is performed through email. As public events were not allowed during the majority of the reporting time period due to Covid restrictions, the committee did not have any applications to review. As campus prepared to re-open, as committee chair, I worked with Auxiliary Services to establish an "Alcohol Working Group" of all groups involved with any type of alcohol service on campus. Purpose of the Working Group: Collaboration between and communication with all parties involved with alcohol service at NMSU to ensure consistency of policies and procedures, quality of service and offerings, and security for all internal and external constituents. That group met twice: April 21 and May 26, 2021. In May and June, I reassembled the Alcohol Review Committees with the members listed above. I planned a hybrid introduction and training meeting to be held in July 2021.