FY 17 NMSU Alcohol Review Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2017

Effective Date of Establishment:  03/2002

Authorizing Body or Official: BOR Policy

Board Website: http://hrtm.nmsu.edu

Scope of Impact: System

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Irene Fierro irfierro@nmsu.edu

Chair:  Jean Hertzman

University function/office responsible:  School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management

Voting Members:

Dr. Jean Hertzman

Police Chief Stephen Lopez

Interim Director Ophelia Watkins

Faculty Senate Member James McAteer

Director Dario Silva

Assistant Vice President Andrew Pena

Associate Director Candance Aragon

ASNMSU Senator Linda Cisneros

Non-Voting Members:

Director Dan Koesters 

Dwayne Wisniewki

Chief Legal Affairs Officer Liz Ellis

Process for selecting a chair:  Set out in original Board of Regents policy, will always be the Director of the School of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management (HRTM)

Position appointment description:

Yes, as described in Board of Regents Policy

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  One meeting per each semester and any additional meetings
to be held to discuss alcohol application issues as requested.

Members are appointed by:  position


To develop guidelines and forms for requests for alcohol to be served and/or sold on campuses in non-governmental licensed facilities. To educate event sponsors and administrators about the alcohol permit process. To review and recommend requests for alcohol to be served and/or sold.


Advisory only. To make recommendations for or against the sale or service of alcohol at University events in non-licensed areas as detailed in procedures approved by the Board of Regents.

Major Accomplishments:

We have not received any appeals since the implementation ofthe Holistic Admission process when the new admissionsrequirements were implemented.