FY 19 Admission Appeals Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2019

Effective Date of Establishment:  2007

Authorizing Body or Official: Provost

Board Reports to: Executive Vice President and Provost

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Ad Hoc

Contact Information:  Seth Miner miners@nmsu.edu 

Chair:   Danielle Staley dstaley@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Executive Vice President and Provost 

Voting Members:

Process for selecting filling vacant postions:  Member nominated by the Dean of each college andappointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost

Position appointment description:

Members are nominated by the dean of each college andappointed by the provost. A minimum of ve committeemembers must be in attendance before a decision can berendered on any petition. Alternates will be called as neededto participate in any meeting for which a minimum of veregular members can not be present. Members serve three-year staggered terms.

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  Yes

Members are appointed by:  Combination


Responsible for reviewing all petitions for admission submitted by persons who do not meet the newadmission standards. It will be the responsibility of the petitioner to present a convincing rational forgranting an exception.


Decision making -The majority decision of the committee will be nal in eachcase, with no appeal to any other person or group.

Major Accomplishments:

No meetings held.