FY 17 Admission Appeals Committee Report

Fiscal Year 2017

Effective Date of Establishment:  2007

Authorizing Body or Official: Provost

Board Reports to: Executive Vice President and Provost

Scope of Impact: Campus

Type of Board: Ad Hoc

Contact Information:  Delia De Leon ddeleon@nmsu.edu 

Chair:   Delia De Leon ddeleon@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible:  Executive Vice President and Provost 

Voting Members:

Assistant Professor Maria Castillo

Associate Dean Kathy Brook

Professor Deva Borah

Lillian Rogers de Cibils

Assistant Professor Ana Cardenas

Process for selecting a chair:  Position appointed by the Executive Vice President and Provost

Position appointment description:

HLC Accreditation Liasion Officer from each independtly accredited system campus (Alamogordo, Carlsbad, Dona Ana, Las Cruces), and representative from the Grants campus.

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  Yes


Members are appointed by:  Combination


Responsible for reviewing all petitions for admissionsubmitted by persons who do not meet the new admissionstandards. It will be the responsibility of the petitioner topresent a convincing rational for granting an exception.


Decision making -
The majority decision of the committee will be fi nal in eachcase, with no appeal to any other person or group.

Major Accomplishments:

We have not received any appeals since the implementation ofthe Holistic Admission process when the new admissionsrequirements were implemented.