FY 18 Associate Dean's Academic Council (ADAC) Report

Fiscal Year 2018

Effective Date of Establishment:  The group became ADAC about 2002. Previously, it was the Deans Advisory Council.

Authorizing Body or Official: Regents Policy Manual (RPM)

Scope of Impact: System

Type of Board: Standing 

Contact Information:  Monica Torres mftorres@nmsu.edu

Chair:  Monica Torres mftorres@nmsu.edu 

University function/office responsible: The office of the ADAC chair provides the administrative support.

Voting Members:

Interim Dean Jerry Hawkes

Associate Dean Beth Pollack

Associate Dean Kathy Brook

Associate Dean Enedina Vazquez

Associate Dean Sonya Cooper

Associate Dean Kopera-Frye

Associate Dean Tim Ketelaar

Assistant Dean Denise Esquibel

Interim President Alamogordo Mark Cal

Vice President for Academic Affairs (DACC) Monica Torres

VPAA Grants Harry Sheski

Associate Dean Katherine Terpis

Faculty Senate Vice Chair Rolfe Saawenfeld

NMSU VPAA Carlsbad Andrew Nwanne

Ex-officio Non-voting Members

ASNMSU President Kevin Prieto

ASNMSU Deputy Provost Greg Fant

Executive Director Shelly Stovall

Registrar, Student Records Office Dacia Sedillo

Chief Information Officer Norma Grijalva

Director of Assessment David Smith

Catalog Editor Kori Plank

Academic Advising Council Jennifer Hodges

Director International Student and Scholar Services Michael Schmelzle

Process for selecting a chair: 

Position appointment description:

Membership is tied to positions: associate deans on the Las Cruces campus (voting members), vicepresidents for academic affairs at the community college campuses (voting members), and representatives from other offices involved in academic issues including the provost's office, the registrar's, and ICT (non voting members).

Requirements for number of annual meetings:  Meetings are generally held the second and fourth Mondays of each month.

Members are appointed by:  position


The Associate Deans Academic Council (ADAC) serves in an advisory capacity regarding academic matters to the Academic Deans Council and other university officials. ADAC assists in the development, review and approval of academic rules and procedures; reviews and approves curriculum changes (course deletions, additions and course changes); proposes and reviews changes to scheduling and registration processes and university catalogs; and reviews and recommends new academic programs and changes to existing programs.


ADAC advises the Academic Deans Council and other university officials on academic matters. It makes final decisions on changes to courses including additions and deletions.

Major Accomplishments:

-approved numerous changes to courses and existing programs
-made positive recommendations on proposals for new degrees
-commented on proposed changes to administrative rules and procedures as well as NM administrative
-proposed several changes to administrative rules and procedures (including development of a
scheduling policy)
-made major and minor edits to the academic catalog